Friday 5 March 2010

Israel Matzav: UN 'humanitarian coordinator': 'Soon, two-state solution won't be possible'

UN 'humanitarian coordinator': 'Soon, two-state solution won't be possible'

UN 'humanitarian coordinator' John Holmes told the Jerusalem Post on Thursday evening that the 'two-state solution' may soon no longer be possible.
“You are not far off from the point where the two-state solution becomes impossible,” said Holmes. “If you are going to have a meaningful Palestinian state, it needs to have a meaningful piece of land that goes with it.”

He listed the ways in which Israel had stymied Palestinian national aspiration over the years, including, as he saw it, Israel’s “illegal annexation of Jerusalem.”

Other items on his list were divisions in Area C of the West Bank, such as the security barrier, settlements and the roads connecting them that Palestinians cannot use.

“This is not contiguous territory. It is territory that is split up. It is a very funny kind of state. That is why people are not sure that a solution is available,” said Holmes.
Since the creation of 'Palestinians' in 1964, the 'Palestinians' could have had their state in 1968, in 2000 and in 2008. Each time, they turned it down, thinking there would be a better deal in which they could destroy the Jewish state.

If contiguity is the criterion for a 'real' state, then a Jewish state and a 'Palestinian' state are a contradiction in terms. Either one is contiguous or the other is contiguous, but not both.

The reason there is no 'Palestinian state' is because the 'Palestinians' don't want one. They want to destroy the Jewish state instead. It's time to stop letting them try. The 'two-state solution' has never been possible and never will be possible until both sides accept it. To date, only Israel accepted it. It's time to take the offer off the table.

I addressed Holmes' comments about Gaza here.

Israel Matzav: UN 'humanitarian coordinator': 'Soon, two-state solution won't be possible'

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