Sunday 21 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Tom Campbell on Obama's handling of Israel

Tom Campbell on Obama's handling of Israel

On Saturday night, I brought you Carly Fiorina's and Chuck Devore's reactions to President Obama's excoriation of Israel last week. I was missing the third Republican candidate for the Senate nomination from California, Tom Campbell. Here's Campbell's reaction (Hat Tip: Jennifer Rubin). The whole tape is worth watching, but note what he says about the last week's events from about 5:20 to 6:10 of this video.

Let's go to the videotape.

Note that Campbell seems far less conversant in the details of what happened while Biden was here than either of his opponents. Note also that he apparently backs Obama's approach. Not good news.

By the way, Campbell's campaign has been on this blog a lot more than the other two. If you put something in the comments, you can be pretty sure they'll see it (and I will let through anything they write in response).

Israel Matzav: Tom Campbell on Obama's handling of Israel

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