Thursday 25 March 2010

Israel Matzav: They apparently agreed on nothing

They apparently agreed on nothing

There were several requests on Wednesday from people I follow on Twitter to come forward with information about Tuesday night's Obama - Netanyahu meetings. If they got anything, I didn't see it. Here's what Ben Smith at Politico has figured out. It's not much.

Benjamin Netanyahu is meeting with Special Envoy George Mitchell today after more than two hours with President Barack Obama last night apparently didn't produce enough agreement even to release a joint statement.

"There are areas of agreement and areas of disagreement but the conversation is ongoing," White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said, when asked about last night's conspicuous silence.

"The President and Prime Minister met and had a full discussion about issues related to the US- Israel relationship, including regional security and peace efforts," he added in an emailed statement. "The President asked the Prime Minister to take steps to build confidence for proximity talks so that progress can be made toward peace."

It's amazing how far back this administration has taken us. Now we have to build confidence so that George Mitchell can shuttle between Netanayhu and Abu Mazen.

By the way, as much as I don't care for Mitchell, I don't believe he's to blame for this. He's not the one who decided to demand a total Israeli 'settlement freeze' as a pre-condition for re-starting talks. It's the boob in the White House's fault. Henry Kissinger couldn't get them talking under these circumstances.

Israel Matzav: They apparently agreed on nothing

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