Friday 5 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Syrian conspiracy theories

Syrian conspiracy theories

With the IAEA all but ruling out Syria's claims that Israel used munitions containing depleted uranium to bomb its al-Kibar nuclear reactor in September 2007, and therefore ruling out such depleted uranium as the source of uranium particles found at the site, Syria has been inventing what can only be called conspiracy theories regarding how the uranium traces made it to the site. The latest such theory claims that Israel dropped uranium particles at the site. Good luck with that.

Neither the US nor the Europeans believe that Israel is the source of the uranium particles. But what's stunning about this is the rhetoric espoused by the American chief delegate to the IAEA on the one hand, as compared with American policy toward Syria on the other. Here's the rhetoric:

"Over the past two years, we have noticed a troubling pattern in Syria's behavior," Chief US delegate Glyn Davies told the meeting. "The more evidence the agency uncovers that Syria was engaged in serious safeguards violations, the more Syria has tried to actively hinder the agency's investigation."

On the other hand, just last week, the Obama administration named an ambassador to Syria for the first time in five years. Does the right hand not know what the left is doing?

If I were sitting on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I would call Glyn Davies as a witness at Robert Ford's confirmation hearing.

America is in good hands. What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Syrian conspiracy theories

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