Thursday 25 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Sounds like good advice for the White House

Sounds like good advice for the White House

At least there's one area where the United States is still backing Israel: The United Nations Human Rights Council.

The US was the only country at the United Nations Human Rights Council to vote against all three anti-Israel resolutions, which were approved Wednesday in Geneva.

It was also the only country to oppose a UNHRC resolution in support of the Palestinian right to self determination.

In the last weeks America's relationship with Israel has been strained. But in Geneva, the US took the council to task for its treatment of Israel.

"We are deeply troubled to be presented once again with a slate of resolutions so replete with controversial elements and one sided references that they shed no light and offer no redress for the real challenges in the region," said US Ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe.

"The council is too often exploited as a platform from which to single out Israel, which undermines its credibility," said Donahoe.

"The US strongly encourages the council to seek an alternative to highly politicized resolutions and a permanent agenda item focused on one country," said Donahue.

That last clause sounds like good advice for the White House, doesn't it? Get off your obsession with Israel.

Israel Matzav: Sounds like good advice for the White House

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