Tuesday 9 March 2010

Israel Matzav: 'A serious threat to Venezuela's Jews

'A serious threat to Venezuela's Jews

A report issued in late February by the the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) says that the Chavez regime constitutes a 'serious threat to Venezuela's Jews.'

A report by the human rights watchdog of the Organization of American States warns of a possible “threat to the life and physical integrity of the Jewish community in Venezuela” due to the Chavez regime’s violations of the political and human rights of its citizens.

In a lengthy report publicized in late February, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) accused the government of Venezuela of fostering an atmosphere of “political intolerance” and “a climate hostile to the free exercise of dissenting political participation.”

It blasted the prevailing “citizen insecurity” in the country and saved its harshest criticism for “the prevailing impunity affecting cases of human rights violations,” including in cases of police misconduct, abuse of authority, and even torture.

The Washington-based IACHR is an organ of the Organization of American States that monitors and investigates violations of human rights among the international umbrella’s members.

Read the whole thing.

Is anyone really surprised by this? I'm not. It was clear that all the Chavez regime's claims that 'thugs' were committing crimes against the Jewish community were nonsense.

Maybe Obama can try 'engaging' Chavez too - after all, it's worked so well with Ahmadinejad and Assad.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: 'A serious threat to Venezuela's Jews

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