Thursday 4 March 2010

Israel Matzav: The Security Council's "no" votes

The Security Council's "no" votes

Laura Rozen does some vote-counting on Iran sanctions at the UN Security Council.

[I]t's a particularly tough Security Council, with key current non-permament members of the 15 member body such as Brazil and Turkey not certain to support such a resolution, Lebanon likely to vote against it, and at least one permanent member, China, also reluctant. Three past UN Security Council resolutions on Iran passed overwhelmingly, with no "no" votes and only a few abstentions.

And she doesn't mention Russia, Nigeria, Austria or Japan (among others), who are currently non-permanent Security Council members, any of whom could vote against sanctions.

What could go wrong?

The picture at the top is Ahmadinejad with Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan.

Israel Matzav: The Security Council's "no" votes

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