Tuesday 16 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Putting principle over party

Putting principle over party

Jennifer Rubin quips that it will be interesting to see which Democrats put principle above party loyalty, and promptly shows us two who have, Representative Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.) and Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.). Lieberman is nominally Independent, but caucuses with the Democrats.

Jennifer has several more reactions to the current crisis. Read the whole thing.

Unfortunately, if this report is accurate, Berkley and Lieberman are likely to be among the few Democrats not to back the administration against Israel.

As an unusual public showdown between the Israeli and American administrations plays out, Hill sources say leading Congressional Democrats would be with the administration on this but would really like to get a phone call from Middle East peace envoy George Mitchell, currently en route back to the Middle East to try to salvage Israeli-Palestinian proximity talks.

As former Senate Majority Leader, Mitchell has credibility with the Senators, one staffer said. It would be really helpful if he makes some phone calls from the plane, to say we really need you to stay with the administration, we are trying to push the peace process forward, and if he would articulate some sort of vision, of where this next sort of piece of tactical fight is going.

This is not the first time one has heard this from Hill Democrats that they are feeling a bit in the dark, but at such a tense moment, it is hard not to be astonished that the administration was not working the phones to the Hill all weekend.

"Same exact mistake of the first two Clinton years with majorities in both Houses," one Washington Democratic foreign policy hand said. "You'd think they would have learned the lesson of 'never take your allies for granted' at least after this year."

I guess 'leading Congressional Democrats' can read the political map and know that nearly half the Democratic party doesn't support Israel anymore anyway.

Is Israel destined to become a Republican-only ally?

Israel Matzav: Putting principle over party

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