Tuesday 23 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Pro-Obama, Pro-Imposed 'solution'

Pro-Obama, Pro-Imposed 'solution'

J Street, the pro-Obama, pro-imposed 'solution' lobby, ran a full-page ad in the New York Times on Monday, in which it called for the Obama administration to impose a 'solution' to the impasse between Israel and the 'Palestinians.' The clock was part of the ad. It's a rather curious clock - you can find out more about it here. You can find the full text of the ad here.

J Street's ad is basically a call for Israel to commit suicide - and Americans and Israelis both know it. But of course, the Obami will be happy to use J Street to bludgeon Israel anyway.

Great comment on this story from Aaron Lerner here.

Israel Matzav: Pro-Obama, Pro-Imposed 'solution'

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