Tuesday 23 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Poll: Keep building in J'lem despite US pressure, Obama anti-Israel, hurting peace process

Poll: Keep building in J'lem despite US pressure, Obama anti-Israel, hurting peace process

Here are the results of a Maagar Mochot poll commissioned by IMRA.

Do you support Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's decision to continue construction in Jerusalem?
Yes, 62% No 26% Don't know/Other replies 12%

Do you think that Prime Minister Netanyahu's decision will lead to more or less pressure from the United States?
More 61%, Less 9%, Same 21% Don't know/Other replies 9%

Did the American Government take the crisis regarding the construction decision in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood out of proportion?
Yes 60%, No 20% Don't know/Other replies 20%

Has the American Government's strong vocal criticism of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu helped or hurt the peace process? Helped 5%, Hurt 59%, No impact 29%
Don't know/Other replies 7%

Do you think that the American President Obama is pro-Arab, pro Israel or a neutral president?
Pro-Arab 42%, Pro-Israel 9% Neutral 34% Don't know/Other replies 15%

To what extent are you satisfied with what the American Government has done to date to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons?
Very unsatisfied 26%
Unsatisfied 34%
So-so 21%
Satisfied 7%
Very satisfied 1%
Don't know/Other replies 11%

Some claim that if Israel were to withdraw to the '67 lines - including leave the Golan - it would enjoy peace for generations since the Arabs would no longer have any claims against Israel. Do you think that this is a naive or simplistic view or a reasonable and correct assessment?

Naive and simplistic 82% Reasonable and correct 8% Don't know/Other replies 10%

Does the decision of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to continue the
construction in Jerusalem prove he has or doesn't have a backbone?
Yes 55%, No 22% Don't know/Other replies 23%

Hmmm. The most stunning result is the first two results taken together. 62% want to keep building in Jerusalem even though 61% understand that could ruin what is left of our relationship with the Obama administration.

Israel Matzav: Poll: Keep building in J'lem despite US pressure, Obama anti-Israel, hurting peace process

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