Thursday 25 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Naming names

Naming names

The Likud believes it knows who is behind the embarrassing timing of (notifications of) housing approvals that has made Prime Minister Netanyahu's life difficult over the last couple of weeks: Kadima consultant Eyal Arad.

In the Likud party the belief is growing that political strategist Eyal Arad, is behind the crisis with the U.S. Likud officials point out that Arad, who serves as a consultant to both the Kadima party and Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat, had all the capabilities and reasons to embarrass his nemesis Netanyahu.

And I will tell you that I think the Likud is wrong on this, because I don't believe Arad opposes Jewish building in 'east' Jerusalem.

I believe someone else - whose name I have never mentioned on this blog as far as I can recall - is responsible for the leaks. I'm not going to put his name in print because if I do and I am wrong I could subject myself to a libel suit (yes, they do things like that in this country and even public figures can win them). But the person I believe is behind the leaks is a Jerusalem city employee who I believe is ideologically opposed to Jewish housing in 'east' Jerusalem.

If any of you want to speculate, please do it in private email - I won't let comments through that name names.

Israel Matzav: Naming names

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