Monday 8 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Major delays may kill Israel's F-35 purchase

Major delays may kill Israel's F-35 purchase

Just as the IDF and the American government were finally working out the issue of installing Israeli technology in the F-35 jets to be purchased by the IAF, a major problem has arisen with the contract that pushes back the first delivery dates for two years. That may lead Israel to cancel or postpone its signing of a contract altogether and to purchase older F-15I's instead.

On Sunday night, IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi flew to Washington for talks with top Pentagon officials. Ashkenazi plans to speak with his American counterpart, Adm. Michael Mullen, and other Pentagon officials about the delays in the production of the JSF and how it will affect the IDF.

Last week, US Air Force Secretary Michael Donley said that the service’s plan to use the F-35 will probably be delayed by two years and cost significantly more than the $130 million initially expected.

Donley said that the F-35 would not be ready for the US Air Force until 2015, the date that Israel had initially wanted to begin receiving the stealth jet. The jet had been scheduled to become initially operational in 2013 before the Pentagon uncovered serious problems with the contract. Last month, Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced that at least one senior manager would be fired and $614 million in performance bonuses would be withheld from lead contractor Lockheed Martin Corporation.

“If the Americans are only getting the plane in 2015, then it is difficult to imagine that we will receive it the same time,” the officer said, adding that the Air Force was currently in talks with the Pentagon about locking down a delivery date.


Israel had planned to order a first squadron of 25 jets within the coming months and to procure another 50 by the end of the decade. Due to the delays, some IAF officers are calling for a review of the procurement plans and to consider the possible purchase of additional F-15Is made by Boeing Company. Israel already has a squadron of F-15Is that are capable of carrying massive amounts of weaponry and flying long distances, including to Iran.

You will recall that one of the very few legislative 'accomplishments' to which the Obama administration could point in its first year in office was killing the F-22, which was a plane that Israel had been promised and coveted. Obama was so pleased with his 'victory' (obtained by threatening to veto the entire armed services appropriations bill) that he went on national television to laud it. At the time I speculated that the F-22 may have been killed - at least in part - to keep it out of Israel's hands. But in light of the major delays in producing the F-35, the decision to kill the F-22 looks stupider than ever for the US and for its allies.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Major delays may kill Israel's F-35 purchase

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