Wednesday 10 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Lebanon: Pot calls Kettle black

Lebanon: Pot calls Kettle black

This is rich. Hezbullah accuses the United States embassy in Beirut of running a state within a state.

Following the publication of an item in the Lebanese daily Al-Safir stating that the U.S. Embassy in Beirut had asked elements in Lebanon to give it information about Lebanon's communications network, MP Nawaf Al-Musawi, from Hizbullah, said that the embassy was operating as a state within a state, and was maintaining private militias.

Hashem Safi Al-Din, chairman of Hizbullah's executive council, said that the American intelligence and security infiltration was more dangerous for Lebanon security than Israel.

I guess Big Satan is still more dangerous than Little Satan.


Israel Matzav: Lebanon: Pot calls Kettle black

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