Thursday 4 March 2010

Israel Matzav: J Street not invited to Biden meeting

J Street not invited to Biden meeting

When I ran the story about Joltin' Joe Biden's meeting with the 'Jewish leaders' on Wednesday, I wondered aloud whether J Street was invited to the meeting and whether the 'pro-settler' organizations (National Council of Young Israel and Zionist Organization of America) were excluded, as was the case when President Obama invited 'Jewish leaders' to meet with him last summer. I even left a comment on Laura Rozen's blog asking if she knew, but it wasn't answered.

I finally found the answer to my question. Maybe. J Street apparently was not invited. But neither were the 'pro-settler' organizations. So concluded Steve Rosen anyway (although he did so by reading Laura Rozen's list as complete - it was not clear to me that it was). Hmmm.

Israel Matzav: J Street not invited to Biden meeting

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