Tuesday 23 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Israelis: Bibi knew but building in Jerusalem like building in Tel Aviv

Israelis: Bibi knew but building in Jerusalem like building in Tel Aviv

The monthly 'war and peace index' from Tel Aviv University came out on Monday, and they asked a few questions about the latest dust-up between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu. Most Israelis believe that Netanyahu knew the Ramat Shlomo announcement was coming. And while they also believe Israel should consult with the United States on these issues, the bottom line is that building in Jerusalem is like building in Tel Aviv.

The poll found that 62% of Israelis do not believe Netanyahu's disavowal of knowledge, and 54% believe Israel must consider Washington's stance on the expansion of settlements, even due to "natural growth".

However most of those asked by the survey supported the view that construction in east Jerusalem should be treated like construction in Tel Aviv, despite the harsh criticism launched at the government over the recent diplomatic dispute with the US.

Only a quarter of those polled believe the construction project should not have been approved, with 41% saying that only the timing was wrong. The number of people supportive of the construction in Ramat Shlomo neighborhood is twice that of its objectors.

Other than that, we're pretty evenly divided on just about everything, as usual.

Israel Matzav: Israelis: Bibi knew but building in Jerusalem like building in Tel Aviv

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