Sunday 7 March 2010

Israel Matzav: If your identity was stolen, you may have to file a lawsuit

If your identity was stolen, you may have to file a lawsuit

If you're one of the 26 people whose identity was allegedly stolen by the liquidators of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, Inspector Tamim has given you one month to file a legal action over identity fraud. Otherwise, he has decided that you are a collaborator with the alleged assassins.

“Those who claim that their identities have been stolen by the squad who murdered al Mabhouh, have to file a law suit against the perpetrators to their respective countries or arrest warrants will be issued against them,” he said.

“If their claims are correct then they should report the offense, otherwise in our eyes they are collaborators with the squad and thus they will be wanted for the authorities,” said Lt Gen Tamim. “We will give them one month to file lawsuits after which we will put them on the wanted list.”

Dubai police have said the innocence of these people should not be taken for granted on the basis of that claim alone.

But just whom does Inspector Tamim want them to sue? I have an idea for the 12 Brits whose identity was allegedly stolen: Sue George Galloway.

By the way, the link to the National from Elder of Ziyon's blog didn't work. Could it be that even Inspector Naive decided this idea was too dumb and withdrew it?


Israel Matzav: If your identity was stolen, you may have to file a lawsuit

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