Tuesday 9 March 2010

Israel Matzav: If you don't like the results, appoint a new commission; Shebaneh's new web site

If you don't like the results, appoint a new commission; Shebaneh's new web site

I've discussed the exposes of corruption in the 'Palestinian Authority' by Abu Mazen's former anti-corruption czar Fahmi Shebaneh several times on this blog. Because Shebaneh actually started exposing corruption, he was forced to resign, and now 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen has appointed a committee consisting of three of his closest friends to investigate whitewash corruption in the 'Palestinian Authority.'

A special commission of inquiry established by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to investigate a series of corruption cases in the PA has begun summoning suspects and witnesses, Rafik Natsheh, a senior PA official, announced on Monday.

The commission was set up after former PA intelligence official Fahmi Shabaneh, who was in charge of the anti-corruption unit in the Palestinian General Intelligence Service in the West Bank, exposed several cases implicating top officials in sexual, financial and administrative corruption.

Remember Rafiq Husseini, the close Abbas aide who was caught with his pants down? Well, Husseini was suspended, but not because he solicited sex from a Christian woman who sought Abu Mazen's assistance with a personal problem.

Both Husseini and the secretary were also caught on tape bad-mouthing Abbas and his two sons, Tarek and Yasser, whom they dubbed “crooks and thieves.” Husseini is also heard on the tape referring to Yasser Arafat as the “biggest swindler.”

That will get you fired, won't it?

Shebaneh has opened up a web site on which he is publicizing a scandal of the week (I trust he's somewhere in Israel under the protection of the Israeli security forces). The website is here and I put a Google translation of it here. It would be nice if JPost's Khaled Abu Toameh (who is an Arabic speaker and has been following this story closely) could let us know each week what scandal Shebaneh posts.

By the way, I did a little looking around with the Google translation and the Fatah people also hate Mosab Hassan Yousef, the Hamas leader's son who converted to Christianity and became an Israeli collaborator.

Israel Matzav: If you don't like the results, appoint a new commission; Shebaneh's new web site

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