Friday 19 March 2010

Israel Matzav: IDF soldiers escape lynching in Hebron

IDF soldiers escape lynching in Hebron

At least four IDF soldiers were nearly lynched in Hebron on Wednesday night.

Yesterday evening several soldiers from the Shimshon Battalion were on their way from Hevron to Kiryat Arba to carrying out physical fitness exercises. They lost their way and wandered into the PA controlled section of Hevron. The soldiers asked Arabs on the street for directions, and they sent them deeper into the Arab neighborhoods of Hebron where dozens of Arabs were waiting for them. The mob of Arabs jumped the soldiers and began beating them.

One of the soldiers fled and was located later by the army. Three other soldiers were lightly wounded and were evacuated to hospitals in Jerusalem.

Someone needs to examine IDF security procedures. This is absurd.

At least in Ramallah ten years ago, we were talking about two reservists on their way to duty. This is IDF soldiers going from one base to another. If you're going to expect them to go from Hebron to Kiryat Arba, at least equip them properly. Better yet, transport them in a secure manner.

Israel Matzav: IDF soldiers escape lynching in Hebron

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