Monday 1 March 2010

Israel Matzav: How's that 'engagement' with Syria going Barack?

How's that 'engagement' with Syria going Barack?

President Obama's 'engagement' with Syria is not going well. On Friday, the State Department called in the Syrian ambassador to ask that Syria 'immediately' stop supplying arms to Hezbullah after that was all Ehud Barak could talk about in Washington. It seems unlikely that request will be fulfilled.

And last week's visit to Damascus by Under Secretary of State William Burns was apparently a disaster.

Haaretz has learned that Burns' visit to Damascus ended unsatisfactorily for the U.S. administration. During Burns' meeting with Assad, the Syrian leader denied all American claims that his regime was providing military aid to terrorists in Iraq, or to Hezbollah and Palestinian terror groups.

Assad essentially told Burns that he had no idea what the American was talking about.

Read the whole thing.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: How's that 'engagement' with Syria going Barack?

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