Wednesday 3 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Generosity, Syrian style

Generosity, Syrian style

Forgetting that his country lost the Golan Heights in two aggressive wars that it started, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem has adopted 'generosity.' So long as Israel 'recognizes' that Syria is entitled to 'every last inch' of the Golan Heights, the Syrians will consider accepting payment on the installment plan and not insist on receiving the entire Golan upon signing of an agreement. Good luck with that.

"There could be stages of withdrawal, the timing of which could involve a form of normalization," he told the Guardian's Gabrielle Rifkind in December. "Half of the Golan could lead to an end of enmity; three-quarters of the Golan, to a special interest section in the US embassy in Damascus: a full withdrawal would allow a Syrian embassy in Israel."

During the interview, details of which were published on the British newspaper's Web site at the weekend, Moallem said issues such as Syria's support for terror groups would "only be answered after withdrawal."

The Syrian foreign minister stressed that while Damascus was willing to resume negotiations, "Israel needs to be ready to recognize that Syria is entitled to every inch of the Golan."

"For us the land is sacred and a matter of honor," said Moallem.

And we all know about the Arabs and their 'honor,' don't we?

For reasons I discussed on Tuesday, Israel has a far better claim to the Golan than does Syria. Combining that with Syria's intractable hostility (note that he says nothing about an Israeli embassy in Damascus, let alone 'normalization' or recognizing Israel's 'right to exist') and its support for terror groups, I wouldn't bet on an agreement being reached with Syria in your lifetimes or mine.

Israel Matzav: Generosity, Syrian style

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