Monday 15 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Father and baby wounded in firebomb attack; Clinton silent

Father and baby wounded in firebomb attack; Clinton silent

A father and his nine-month old son were wounded in a firebomb attack on Route 443 on Saturday night. Yes, that Route 443.

Arab terrorists lightly wounded a father and his nine-month-old baby boy on Saturday night with a firebomb (Molotov cocktail) on “terror highway 443," which connects Jerusalem with the city of Modi’in. The terrorists escaped. Medics treated the father and baby at the scene.

The IDF had closed the road to Palestinian Authority Arabs several years ago because of deadly attacks at the beginning of the Second Intifada, also known as the Oslo War, but the High Court ruled two months ago that the order violated the basic human rights of the Arab population.

The army is preparing plans to satisfy the court order, but since the ruling, the number of attacks has increased dramatically. Ten days ago, terrorists from a PA vehicle shot at an IDF checkpost on the key highway.

In 2009, there were 299 firebomb attacks and 22,450 stoning attacks on Israeli roads, all of which are designed to cause fatal accidents. The father and baby in Saturday night's incident were injured after the driver crashed into a guardrail following the firebombing.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did not comment on the attack, which was one of thousands of violations of the PA commitment to halt its violence and incitement against Israel.

What the story omits is that the attack took place against a car heading toward Jerusalem after the car had passed the Atarot checkpoint. In other words, the attack took place within the Jerusalem city limits. That's what Israel Radio reported on Sunday morning.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Father and baby wounded in firebomb attack; Clinton silent

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