Friday 5 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Can you imagine if any other Supreme Court's Chief Justice made this suggestion?

Can you imagine if any other Supreme Court's Chief Justice made this suggestion?

The Chief Justice of Israel's Supreme Court, Dorit Beinish, has suggested that Jews be stopped from praying at the grave of Shimon HaTzadik (Simon the Righteous) for an hour so that 'Palestinians' may be allowed to demonstrate there against their eviction from apartments in the area for non-payment of rent for more than 40 years.

High Court judge Dorit Beinish on Thursday castigated police, who had refused to grant a permit to Arab residents of the Shimon Hatzaddik neighborhood (called Sheikh Jarrah by Arabs) to demonstrate Saturday night against the evictions of families illegally squatting on Jewish property. Jerusalem Police Chief Aharon Franco said that allowing the demonstration to be held at all was likely to lead to disturbances, as Arabs and leftists have proved time and again in recent weeks, throwing rocks and stones at police and at Jewish worshippers at the tomb of Shimon Hatzaddik. The only way to allow a demonstration and ensure the safety of Jewish worshippers, who use the site to pray throughout the day and night, was to allow the demonstration to be held only at a distance.

In response, Beinish said that perhaps the Jewish worshippers “could stop praying for an hour” in order to allow the Arabs to demonstrate.

Can you imagine the outcry from World Jewry if the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of any other country made a statement like that?

More reaction here.

Israel Matzav: Can you imagine if any other Supreme Court's Chief Justice made this suggestion?

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