Wednesday 24 March 2010

Elder of Ziyon: Crisis at "Islam Online"

Crisis at "Islam Online"

Islam Online, one of the most influential Islamic publications that was under the control of terror-supporting sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, is suffering from a crisis.

On March 15, when the workers showed up to work, all hell broke loose as it became apparent that a take over was in process. According to Atef Abdel-Ghany, who runs the website’s development committee, said the new board informed the employees that come March 31, “more than 250 of the journalists will be let go.” Islam Online currently employs more than 350 people.

Since then, a new board has taken over the rabidly anti-Israel publication, employees are scrambling, and the government of Qatar has stepped in - and removed Qaradawi. Stories are contradictory but it sounds like the new board is already deleting articles from its database and trying to move it into a "less moderate" direction - and it was hardly moderate to begin with.

The publication itself has publicized fatwas encouraging suicide bombings, and in Arabic it is even worse.

Elder of Ziyon: Crisis at "Islam Online"

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