Sunday 7 March 2010

DoubleTapper: Dubai Police to infiltrate the Mossad

Dubai Police to infiltrate the Mossad

Dubai Police will request details of the investigations carried out by western countries into the theft of their identities by the killers of Mahmoud al Mabhouh, the senior Hamas official assassinated in a hotel in Dubai in January.

The call came as the Australian government yesterday confirmed it would send a team to Israel as part of an investigation into the apparent misuse of Australian passports allegedly by members of the Mossad assassination squad, the second country to do so.

Last week, officers from Britain’s Serious Organized Crime Agency, traveled to Israel to interview six dual British-Israeli nationals whose names were used by the alleged Mossad assassins.

Australian officials will investigate the apparent fraudulent use of passports in the names of three Australians residing in Israel Joshua Bruce, Adam Korman and Nicole McCabe. The Dubai Police Chief said yesterday he expected that the nations whose passports were used fraudulently by the hit team “will provide us with all the necessary information”.

Lt Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said it would be “very difficult to catch the perpetrators” without co-operation from western countries. He also described the methods used by Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service suspected in the killing, as “primitive”. “The mistake they made was that even the disguise was primitive, the ’70s style,” said Gen Tamim. “If they want a training course in disguise, we would be happy to oblige. “It seems time is ahead of them, meaning they use disguise methods that had become obsolete more than 20 years ago.”

Lt Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim stressed that the Dubai Police possesses an "astounding" data base and that they have the ability to infiltrate of the office of the Mossad director, if necessary.

Time running out for Mossad, NOT!

Dubai Police Chief, Lt Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim, also claims to be able to identify Israelis by physical features and the way they speak. “It is easy for us to identify [Israelis], through their face or when they speak any other language, he said.

Gen Tamim previously said a team of international investigators from Britain, Ireland, France, Germany and Australia was being set up to look into the case.

Dr Mustafa Alani, a senior adviser on security and terrorism at the Dubai-based Gulf Research Center, said it was unlikely that foreign investigations teams such as the one sent by Australia would make much headway. “There will be diplomatic protests, but I think it won’t last for long,” he said. “Israel knows how to get away with it.”

From here and here

DoubleTapper: Dubai Police to infiltrate the Mossad

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