Wednesday 17 February 2010

RubinReports: News Flash: U.S. Names New Ambassador to Syria Just After Anniversary of Major Syrian Terrorist Operation

News Flash: U.S. Names New Ambassador to Syria Just After Anniversary of Major Syrian Terrorist Operation

By Barry Rubin

Yesterday I wrote a piece pointing to U.S. government insensitivity in giving Syria a big concession--the long-awaited naming of the new U.S. ambassador to Syria--virtually on the anniversary of Syria's assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in a terrorist attack (a big bomb in the middle of a Beirut boulevard killing many bystanders). But in fairness I noted that it was a leak not an official announcement. Well, now just over 48 hours after the anniversary an official announcement has been made that Robert Ford, a career Middle East specialist for the State Department and now deputy chief of mission in Iraq, will be the first U.S. ambassador to Iran's closest ally, Syria. For the full analysis, see here

RubinReports: News Flash: U.S. Names New Ambassador to Syria Just After Anniversary of Major Syrian Terrorist Operation

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