Wednesday 24 February 2010

Purim on Motza'ei Shabbat

Purim on Motza'ei Shabbat


Question: What are the special Halachot when Purim falls after Shabbat? Answer: 1. We do not read the Megillah when Purim falls on Shabbat (nowadays only Shushan Purim can fall on Shabbat). It is a decree lest one go to a Rabbi to learn to read the Megillah and carry it in a public domain. There are later authorities (i.e. Aruch Ha-Shulchan, Orach Chaim 693:3) who forbid carrying the Megillah on Shabbat because of muktzeh (something prohibited to carry on Shabbat), but most authorities disagree and permit it (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 688 and Mishnah Berurah #18), and all the more so on a regular Shabbat which is not Purim. There is, however, a problem of bringing the Megillah to Shul on Shabbat because of the prohibition on preparing on Shabbat for a weekday. One should therefore learn something at Shul from the Megillah on Shabbat itself.
2. For the same reason, children may dress up in a costume on Shabbat before they come to Shul, since they have enjoyment on the Shabbat itself from the costume; therefore, it is not considered as if one were preparing on Shabbat for a weekday. This is obviously on the condition that there is no part of the costume which is muktzeh, and it does not involve painting, [forbidden] tying, and other similar things.
3. Noisemakers are definitely forbidden on account of muktzeh. And even if they are not muktzeh, it is impossible to bring them because of preparing on Shabbat for a weekday, since it is not possible to rely on the solution of using them on Shabbat itself, since one may not make noise [from any type of instrument, objects, etc...] on Shabbat.
Summary: It is permissible to bring a Megillah to Shul while it is still daytime on Shabbat provided that one learn something from it. It is permissible for children to dress up in a costume while it is still daytime, but it is forbidden to bring noisemakers.
Originally posted by Torat HaRav Aviner

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