Friday 12 February 2010

Love of the Land: NGO Monitor Calls on New Israel Fund to Draw “Red Lines”

NGO Monitor Calls on New Israel Fund to Draw “Red Lines”

NGO Monitor
11 February '10

JERUSALEM – The research and watchdog group NGO Monitor today called on the New Israel Fund (NIF) to implement clear “red lines” regarding the activities and rhetoric of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that it funds. NIF has been widely criticized for supporting advocacy groups that contribute centrally to demonization through allegations of “war crimes” and intense lobbying on behalf of the Goldstone Report.

“Instead of using its relationship with NGOs to advance constructive agendas, NIF has been supporting and defending campaigns that demonize and delegitimize Israel,” charged Prof. Gerald Steinberg, president of NGO Monitor. “In many cases, it appears that NIF donors are unaware of the activities of these groups and their damaging impact. It is essential that powerful organizations like NIF establish clear guidelines and implement them in a unequivocal and transparent manner.”NGO Monitor proposes that NIF adopt “red lines” that prevent funding for organizations that support activities designed to promote the NGO “Durban strategy” to isolate Israel:

(Read full article)

Love of the Land: NGO Monitor Calls on New Israel Fund to Draw “Red Lines”

1 comment:

  1. The issues with the NIF are blanketing the news right now. Thank you for this insightful analysis. I have included it in this week's Thor's Day Roundup, an NGO and non-profit blog carnival on NGOmeter. The link will be posted Thursday, 2/18/2010.
