Tuesday 16 February 2010

Love of the Land: The New Israel and Political Warfare: Avow One Goal, Seek Another

The New Israel and Political Warfare: Avow One Goal, Seek Another

Joel Fishman
Hudson New York
16 February '10

Two weeks ago, the disclosures of the student group, Im Tirtsu, shocked the Israeli public when they revealed that sixteen organizations supported by the New Israel Fund [NIF] contributed most of the information upon which the inaccurate Goldstone Report was based.

Israel's enemies have failed to win militarily, so they have begun waging a war by indirect means. Their main political goal is to destroy Israel's legitimacy and convey it to the Palestinian Authority. Their tactics include undermining Israel's political structure, eroding its traditional values, crippling its legal system and law enforcement agencies, weakening the armed forces, paralyzing the government's ability to use its military force and thus limit her options for self- defense. In the wake of the Goldstone Report, the government has publicly acknowledged the challenge this political warfare poses. Prime Minister Netanyahu declared his determination to counter what he termed the "Goldstone Effect."

Accordingly, the NIF must be viewed as an important link and conduit in a cultural and political network whose real purpose is to undermine the Jewish State and replace it with another entity. The NIF is neither democratically elected nor does it represent a constituency. Although its professed goal is to "strengthen democracy" in Israel, the nature of its activities does not support this claim. An organization such as the NIF receives donations from private donors, foundations abroad and foreign governments. In turn, it distributes funds to smaller organizations that are active among Jews and Arabs, who cultivate discontentment to create political capital of their grievances.

(Read full article)

Love of the Land: The New Israel and Political Warfare: Avow One Goal, Seek Another

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