Friday 5 February 2010

Love of the Land: Fishermen's Tales at the BBC

Fishermen's Tales at the BBC

Honest Reporting/Backspin
04 February '10

The BBC breaks out the violins for Gaza fishermen, who are restricted from sailing too far from the Gaza coast.

But their biggest threat isn't the Israeli navy. It's the terrorists who sent explosive barrels floating onto Israeli shores this week. YNet News writes:

The source stressed that even without Israel's involvement, the explosive barrels could have put Gaza fishermen in danger, had they exploded next to them.

"The terror activists who sent the explosive charges into the sea knew in advance that they could also be hurt. Today of all days, when talking about the Goldstone Report and morality, we must look at what the other side is doing," he said.

Are fishermen complicit in the barrel bombs?

Even if they're not, Hamas has boasted that Iranian rockets are often smuggled by sea.

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Love of the Land: Fishermen's Tales at the BBC

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