Wednesday 17 February 2010

Love of the Land: Do Not Threaten Humanity

Do Not Threaten Humanity

Dr. Aaidh al-Qarni
Asharq Alawsat
16 February '10

(I just couldn't let this one go by. He's not exactly beloved by the Taliban/Al-Qaida collection but his points are very sharp. Y.)

Many Muslims have an amazing ability of making the world hostile towards them and turning friends into enemies. For example, we find that political discourse in some Arab and Islamic states carries threats and menace toward other states. Yet, these same weak and lamentable Arab and Islamic states are incapable of providing bread and security to their respective peoples and to remedy their illiteracy!

I saw on the Al-Arabiya satellite television channel an Iranian reformist thinker deriding his country's regime and saying: I do not know where the death slogan list is going to take us! In fact, the regime began with the slogan 'Death to America,' and then added 'Death to Israel. Then, it had doubt over Britain and added 'Death to Britain!' And when a French newspaper reported news of demonstrations in Iran, they added 'Death to France!' Similarly, if Russia fails to use its veto to bloc any sanctions decision against Iran then they will add 'Death to Russia!' Perhaps Somalia will be the next to be added to the list, in addition to Burkina Faso and Ghana because of their good relations with the United States! In the end they will chant 'Death to the World!'

(Read full article)

Love of the Land: Do Not Threaten Humanity

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