Monday 15 February 2010

Love of the Land: Countering Canadian Campus Media Bias Against Israel

Countering Canadian Campus Media Bias Against Israel

Mike Fegelman
Honest Reporting Canada
12 February '10

On March 1, Canadian university and college campuses will host the anti-Israel week odiously known as Israel Apartheid Week (IAW).

IAW leave Jews and pro-Israel supporters on campus feeling isolated and intimidated, all while demonizing Israel and fuelling anti-Semitic animus. As a possible precursor to these festivities, it's already been reported that two Jewish students at Toronto's York University were assaulted on February 1 during a pro-Israel activity. A matter which is now being investigated by the school's administration. In the U.S., eleven people were arrested at the University of California, Irvine on February 8, as Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren, was repeatedly interrupted during his address to the school.

HonestReporting Canada will be keeping a close eye on Canadian campus media to ensure that Israel is fairly and accurately represented before and after IAW.

In our most recent communique, we alerted you to a CKUT radio program called "Under the Olive Tree," a self-described "Canada-wide Palestinian community radio show" based in Montreal at McGill University, which lent credence to bizarre claims of Israeli culpability for the notorious 2004 Iraqi prisoner abuse atrocities at Abu Ghraib.

(Read full communique)

Love of the Land: Countering Canadian Campus Media Bias Against Israel

1 comment:

  1. Shalom Life speaks with Mike Fegelman about the Anti-Israeli media bias in Canada
