Sunday 14 February 2010 - It


Sometimes we may underestimate how much impact we as individuals can have on others and the world. We may think, who will listen to us or can we really make a difference. As we approach Purim I think this concept is very relevant. As we know, the miracle of Purim is that the Jews were saved from the evil decree of Haman who wished to destroy them. If we look at the main players in this story Esther and Mordechai, who were the Jewish leaders who helped annul the decree, we notice something interesting. When they learned about Haman’s evil decree they realized that they needed to quickly act before it was too late. It is then that we see Esther going through the same dilemma I initially mentioned. As we are told, she second guesses herself and if she will really be able to make a difference and help the jewish people. It is then that Mordechai explains to her that it was not just by coincidence that she became queen at this time, but it is so she can take action to help the jewish people. As we know Esther understands that this is not a time to second guess herself, but to step up and put in her effort. She then risks her life and with G-d’s help the Jewish people are saved.

Still some may say, ok so Esther was the queen and she was in a powerful position to impact events but how does that work in my own life? To answer this I want to tell you about Avi Schaefer zl’ who was 21 and was killed by a drunk driver. Though his life was cut short at an early age, I believe that he was able to impact the jewish nation and those around him. He made aliyah straight after high school and joined the army. After his army service he returned to the U.S. to get his degree. Though he was not in Israel, he was still concerned for the future of the jewish people and tried to come up with different ways to help out. I recently met him three weeks ago at an Israel conference and though I only knew him for a short while he made an impression on me. We both were at the conference because we were aliyah representatives on our college campuses. Our mission is to help those who love Israel and want to make aliyah fulfill their dreams. As I think back to the conference I remember how passionate and dedicated he was to the future of the Jewish people and how he believed that he could make a difference. I think that we can all be inspired by his belief that he could make a difference though he was just one individual. We should also realize that we also have that same power to stand up and make a difference and we are the ones that underestimate our own abilities. This Purim may we all realize our strengths that can be used to help the jewish people and be able to make Avi’s dream a reality. - It’s up to You

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