Tuesday 9 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Why don't Obama and Clinton care about women?

Why don't Obama and Clinton care about women?

Reacting to the story of the 16-year old girl who was buried alive in Turkey for having male friends, Jennifer Rubin asks:

And why is it, then, that the Middle East wrath of the State Department (not to mention the “international community” housed at the UN) is reserved for apartment-building in Jerusalem? One would think that the monstrous brutality against women in Turkey and elsewhere would raise concern or draw comment from Clinton or Obama. But no. Like those stolen from their beds in the night in Tehran, the girls of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and the rest are on their own.

Why? Two reasons why. First, because Bush cared about these women, so Obama doesn't. Second, because there's a 'fierce moral urgency' to prevent Joooos from building in their homeland.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Why don't Obama and Clinton care about women?

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