Wednesday 10 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Wave of the future: Burka-wearing gunmen rob Paris bank

Wave of the future: Burka-wearing gunmen rob Paris bank

What a great idea for a way to rob a bank!

Employees let the pair through the security double doors of the banking branch of a post office, believing them to be Muslim women. But once inside, the men flipped back their head coverings and pulled out a gun, officials said.

They seized 4,500 euros (£4,000) in cash, according to staff at the branch in Athis Mons, just south of Paris, and made their getaway.


The unusual bank heist, carried out on Saturday, will provide ammunition to supporters of a blanket ban [on the burka] due to security concerns.

The women (I guess they're women) in the picture have nothing to do with the story.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Wave of the future: Burka-wearing gunmen rob Paris bank

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