Sunday 21 February 2010

Israel Matzav: State Department: Travel to Damascus is AOK

State Department: Travel to Damascus is AOK

Keeping with the Obama administration's goal of bringing the murderous Assad regime in from the cold, the US State Department has now decided that travel to Damascus is AOK.
A US Embassy official and Syria's official news agency said the US State Department has lifted an advisory warning American travelers of security concerns in Syria.

However, Syria remains on a US list of countries supporting terrorism, a designation made in 1979. In a sign of warming ties, President Barack Obama announced this week that he would nominate a career diplomat to become the first U.S. ambassador to Damascus since 2005.
Hey - give the State Department a call while you're there if you meet any terrorists on their way to Iraq. Okay?

Shmuel Rosner wonders what Obama hopes to accomplish by broadening 'engagement' with Damascus (after all, it's been so successful until now) and why the Obama administration is choosing now as the time to open the door a bit more to the Syrian regime.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: State Department: Travel to Damascus is AOK

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