Monday 1 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Overnight music video

Overnight music video

When the children of Israel accepted the Torah at Mount Sinai - recounted in this week's Torah portion - they did so k'ish echad b'leve echad, as one person with one heart. No, this is not that song.

This is Chazak Ameinu, the stirring original English/Hebrew anthem recorded by over 50 Jewish Music artists including *Abie Rotenberg *Avraham Fried *Avraham Rosenblum of Diaspora *Beat'achon *Blue Fringe *Bsamim *C Lanzbom *The Chevra *Dan Nichols of Eighteen *David Ross *Dov Levine *Dudu Fisher *Eli Gerstner *Elli Kranzler of Dveykus *Gershon Veroba *Gili Houpt of Remez *Hamsa Boys *Ira Heller *Joe Black *Kenny Karen *Kol Achai *Kol B'seder: Jeff Klepper Dan Freelander *Kol Zimra *Lenny Solomon of Shlock Rock *Lev Tahor *Mah Tovu *Matt Turk *Mayer Davis *Michael HarPaz *Michael Ian Elias *Neshoma Orchestra *Noah Solomon of Soul Farm *Nochum Stark *Ophie Nat *Paul Zim *Rick Recht *Safam *Sam Glaser *Sandy Shmuely *Sean Altman *Shloime Dachs *Shlomo Simcha *Shoresh *Steve Dropkin *Yehuda! *Yehuda Glantz *Yehuda Solomon and The Moshav Band *Yehudah Katz and Reva L'sheva *Yishay Lapidot of Oif Simchas *Yisroel Williger *Yom Hadash *Yossi Green *Yosi Piamenta Another highlight is "Shir Lismoach (Malki's Song)," written by 15 year old Malki Roth just months before she was killed in the Jerusalem Sbarro restaurant bombing.

Let's go to the videotape.

Israel Matzav: Overnight music video

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