Tuesday 2 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Only 36% of Americans believe US is safer than before 9/11

Only 36% of Americans believe US is safer than before 9/11

A new Rasmussen poll shows that only 36% of Americans believe that the US is safer than it was before 9/11.

Let's go to the videotape.

On second thought, you go to the videotape - the embedded version was starting automatically. But make sure you come back....

I wonder what Israelis would say if we were asked the same question. My guess is that most would say that we are safer. Even though we are facing the Iranian threat, it does not feel as immediate as the threat of a terror attack, God forbid. And when it comes to terror attacks, there is no doubt that since Operation Defensive Shield in the spring of 2002, we have become much better prepared for preventing terror attacks. Bli ayin hara (warding off evil eyes).

Israel Matzav: Only 36% of Americans believe US is safer than before 9/11

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