Monday 22 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Jordan and France sign uranium deal

Jordan and France sign uranium deal

Just what we need. Another nuclear power in the region.

Jordan has signed an agreement with France's nuclear giant Areva, giving the company exclusive uranium mining rights.

The deal was agreed on Sunday during a visit by Francois Fillon, the French prime minister, who was received by King Abdullah II.

The agreement gives Areva exclusive rights to extract and mine uranium in the central parts of Jordan.

The desert kingdom, which is poor in energy and water resources, is seeking to develop nuclear energy to generate power and desalinate water.

Fillon said he also spoke with Samir Rifai, the Jordian PM, about the prospects for building nuclear plants by French firms in the Gulf of Aqaba on the Red Sea.

"Our goal is to create a full partnership with Jordan on training and obtaining nuclear technology ... or with any other country in the region that seeks civilian nuclear technology," he told reporters.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Jordan and France sign uranium deal

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