Wednesday 17 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Israel to film heckling incidents

Israel to film heckling incidents

Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon told the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations on Tuesday that turning over video of Ayalon being heckled by a Muslim student at Oxford University with the slogan 'slaughter the Jews' is part of a new tactic that Israel is employing to protect its spokespersons all over the world.

Addressing the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations on Tuesday, Ayalon said of the incident that "This type of warfare is on a global scale, which is guided by the Palestinian Authority and Islamist groups."

The deputy foreign minister explained that Israel is moving to "put them on the defense" and has decided "to use deterrence by filming these events." The video from the Oxford Union was passed on to the British police who are investigating these incidents, Ayalon said.

"We need to focus Jewish NGO's and organizations to this issue. They say 'Free Palestine' and try and prevent us from speaking, we say 'Free speech'," Ayalon continued. "We have learnt how to defend from terrorism and now we are leaning how to defend from verbal terrorism."

The fact that this wasn't done until now says something about the Foreign Ministry. Think about it.

Israel Matzav: Israel to film heckling incidents

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