Friday 5 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Israel to assume chair of EUREKA

Israel to assume chair of EUREKA

EUREKA was established by a Conference of Ministers of 17 countries and Members of the Commission of the European Communities, meeting in Paris on 17 July 1985.

Since its inception in 1985, substantial public and private funding has been mobilised to support the research and development carried out within the EUREKA framework.

The EUREKA Chair rotates yearly among EUREKA’s member countries, with a mandate running from July to June the following year. It implements a three-year rolling programme in cooperation with the previous and future Chairs (the 'Troika'). Its role is to sustain the momentum of the work of EUREKA, organise in the chair country the MC or IPC, as well as High-Level Group (HLG), Executive Group (EG) and National Project Coordinator (NPC) meetings, which it also chairs. The Chair represents EUREKA externally and agrees with the ESE on the level of support it should provide, which is then incorporated into the ESE’s business plan.

The MC (Ministerial Committee) is the political body of EUREKA where the ministers lay down political guidelines, decide on further developments, approval/dismissal of members and officially announce the new EUREKA projects endorsed during the Chairmanship year. It gathers biennially the ministers from each EUREKA member country and a Commissioner from the European Commission (EC).

The Inter-Parliamentary Conference (IPC) takes place alternate years with the MC. The IPC raises the public awareness of EUREKA’s role and possibilities and makes recommendations on strategic issues to be presented to ministers.

The High-Level Group (HLG) is the key decision-making body of EUREKA. The ministry responsible for EUREKA in each member country names its High-Level Representative (HLR) which in turn endorses new EUREKA projects, takes decisions on the management of EUREKA and prepares new EUREKA policy discussions for the MC.

The Executive Group (EG) is a small group comprising members from the Troika countries meeting at least eight times a year. It reports and implements the decisions taken by the HLG. It represents a balance of EUREKA members, whose role is to act as an executive body on behalf of the HLG. An EC member is also invited to attend EG meetings. The EG is also responsible for debating key policy issues, deciding on topics delegated by the HLG and advising successive Chairs.

Guess who is about to become the chairman? Yes, Israel (Hat Tip: Ophir T).

The reasons behind Israeli technological excellence, reflected in its significant participation in R&D projects and its decision to assume the Chairmanship of EUREKA in the network’s 25th year of existence.

How has Israel given birth to more cutting-edge technology companies listed on the NASDAQ than Europe and Asia together? How does such a small, young state attract 30 times more inward investment per capita than Europe? And how has it produced the most high-technology start-ups in the world?

In the recently-published book Start-up Nation, authors Dan Senor and Saul Singer claim Israel’s business success is based on a cultural emphasis on multi-disciplinary skills, rather than a specified focus. With examples from Israel’s main inventors and investors, the book describes how the country’s flattened hierarchies and government policies create a culture and society that so uniquely combines both innovative and entrepreneurial intensity.

PillCam, the ingestible camera, replacing highly invasive and painful diagnostic surgery and Compugen, the software for revolutionizing the process of genetic sequencing, are just two examples of Israeli high-tech excellence.

As Start-up Nation shows, there are lessons in Israel's example that apply not only to other nations, but also to individuals seeking to build a thriving organisation. With Israel’s can-do spirit it is now the time to look at a remarkable and resilient nation for some impressive, surprising clues.

With its takeover of the EUREKA Chairmanship in July, Israel will be able to showcase its impressive record of innovations and innovators.

Let's go to the videotape.

Impressive, no? How come no Arab countries get that kind of recognition? Hmmm....

P.S. Note what Senor says about Israel and the US moving in opposite directions....

Israel Matzav: Israel to assume chair of EUREKA

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