Thursday 18 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Iran's Emily Latella moment

Iran's Emily Latella moment

On Wednesday, I reported that Iran had invited UN 'Human Rights Commissioner' Navi Pillay to visit - the first time since 2005 that Iran had expressed a willingness to allow anyone from the 'Human Rights Council' to visit their country. But Pillay said that she is 'too busy' and would not have time to visit before 2011.

At the time, Iran had also invited a torture investigator to visit, but now... never mind....

Iran has backtracked on a pledge to invite a UN torture investigator to visit the country. Iranian officials in Geneva say they rescinded the invitation because Western countries used "poisonous language" at a UN debate Monday on the Islamic Republic's human-rights record.

Iran on Wednesday rejected 43 other recommendations made during the Human Rights Council's first review of its rights record. They included ending discrimination against women, releasing political prisoners and stopping harassment of journalists and bloggers.

Prediction: The 'Human Rights Council' will drop Iran from the agenda and go back to Israel. And Iran will be elected a member of the Council in a few months. Trust me on this.

Israel Matzav: Iran's Emily Latella moment

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