Monday 15 February 2010

Israel Matzav: IDF ground troops to be equipped with satellite dishes

IDF ground troops to be equipped with satellite dishes

The IDF is planning to equip all infantry and armored brigades with satellite dishes to enhance communications with the brigades behind enemy lines. The satellites will be installed on armored personnel carriers.

Under a multi-year plan recently approved by the General Staff and estimated to cost close to $100 million, the IDF is purchasing several satellite dishes that will be installed on armored personnel carriers. The very small aperture terminal (VSAT) two-way broadband satellite communications systems were developed by Gilat Satellite Networks.

The IDF’s Golani Infantry Brigade used ground-based satellite systems during Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip last winter so the commander Col. Avi Peled, could hold video-conference calls with division headquarters back in Israel. The satellite dish also enables commanders to receive live video footage from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

In addition to the VSAT systems, the IDF’s C4I Directorate is also purchasing a number of larger satellite dishes for the division level command and new ground terminals for the stations, which work on multiple bands.

Gilat is an Israeli company. Of course.

Israel Matzav: IDF ground troops to be equipped with satellite dishes

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