Wednesday 17 February 2010

Israel Matzav: High Court demands govt. speed destruction of war hero's home

High Court demands govt. speed destruction of war hero's home

Israel's High Court of 'Justice' has demanded that the government speed the destruction of sixteen Jewish homes located in 'outposts' known as Hayovel and Harsha. One of the homes in Hayovel, just outside the town of Eli in Samaria, belongs to the widow and children of Roi Klein, HY"D (may God avenge his blood), who fell on a grenade during the battle of Bint Jbeil in the Second Lebanon War, saving all the men under his command.

The High Court of Justice demanded Tuesday that the government speed up the demolition of 16 homes built by Jews in the outposts of Hayovel and Harsha.

In 2005, Peace Now petitioned the court to order the destruction of 9 homes in Hayovel, outside of Eli, and 7 buildings in Harsha, near Talmon.

One of the Hayovel homes belongs to the widow of fallen IDF hero Roi Klein, who jumped on a grenade to save fellow soldiers during the Second Lebanon War.

They can call it whatever they want, but it sure as heck isn't 'justice.'

The picture at the top is the Klein family and was taken sometime before Roi's death.

More on this story here.

Israel Matzav: High Court demands govt. speed destruction of war hero's home

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