Monday 1 February 2010

Israel Matzav: 'He who builds for Jews is a traitor'

'He who builds for Jews is a traitor'

The 'Palestinian Authority's spiritual leader, Sheikh Tayseer Tamimi, has said that Arabs who work in construction for Jews in 'east' Jerusalem are 'traitors' who deserve imprisonment.

The highest spiritual authority in the PA, Imam Tayseer Tamimi, has said that Arabs who serve as construction workers in East Jerusalem for Jewish projects are from nothing but traitors who deserve imprisonment.

Arabs in Judea and Samaria have complained that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's freeze on Jewish construction is harming their livelihood.

In other words, Tamimi is trying to convince Arabs who have been thrown out of their jobs in Judea and Samaria due to the 'settlement freeze' not to work in construction in 'east' Jerusalem. Instead, he wants them to starve because he loves them so much.

If the name sounds familiar to you it should. No, he did not lead the suicide bomber to Sbarro - that was Ahlam Tamimi (anyone know how they're related? I assume that they are). But Sheikh Tamimi gave a vile ten-minute diatribe in front of Pope Benedict XVI during an inter-religious dialogue that took place during the Pope's visit to Israel last year. The Pope feigned innocence, but JPost pointed out that Tamimi did the same thing during Pope John Paul II's visit in 2000, and should not have been allowed on stage again.

Yes, this hatred fomenting cleric is the perfect spiritual leader for the 'Palestinian' suicide bombers.

Israel Matzav: 'He who builds for Jews is a traitor'

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