Wednesday 3 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Hamas' Mabhouh's bodyguards came from the Mossad?

Hamas' Mabhouh's bodyguards came from the Mossad?

You may recall that in a post in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, I suggested that Hamas murderer and arms dealer Mahmoud al-Mabhouh may not have left his bodyguards at home: His bodyguards may have come from the Mossad. This JPost article from Wednesday's editions suggests that I may have been onto something.

“The assassination of someone as senior as Mabhouh has rung an alarm bell in Hamas,” the official told The Jerusalem Post. “Only a few people in the Hamas leadership knew about Mabhouh’s secret activities and movements.”

The official said that many Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip and Syria were convinced that the Mossad has infiltrated the movement’s top ranks. “Obviously, the assassination of Mabhouh is a huge security blunder for Hamas, because it shows that the Israeli agents are sitting among our leaders in Damascus.”

The Hamas official said Hamas was also looking into the possibility that Israel has infiltrated the Syrian security services, which are responsible for the safety of the leaders of all the radical Palestinian groups based in Damascus, including Hamas.

“We don’t rule out the possibility that the Israelis or some other security agency that works with them have recruited a senior Syrian intelligence officer who feeds them with details about the movements and whereabouts of representatives of Hamas and other groups, particularly Hizbullah,” he said.

Maybe there was something in the poison antidote that Israel sent to Khaled Meshaal ten years ago that's making him cooperate with the Mossad. Just sayin....


Israel Matzav: Hamas' Mabhouh's bodyguards came from the Mossad?

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