Monday 1 February 2010

Israel Matzav: 'Hamas' demonstrates against New Israel Fund head

'Hamas' demonstrates against New Israel Fund head

A group of Jews dressed as Hamas members demonstrated outside the home of former Meretz chairperson and current head of the New Israel Fund Naomi Chazan on Saturday night. Organizations funded by the New Israel Fund provided 92% of the damning statements from Israeli NGO's that were quoted by the Goldstone Report.

Im Tirtzu, a growing grassroots movement which calls itself “the second Zionist revolution,” pretended to be Hamas terrorists during a demonstration outside the home of New Israel Fund (NIF) Chairwoman Naomi Chazan Saturday evening. The protesters donned Arab headdresses and imitated terrorists who thank Chazan for the NIF's support following IDF counter-terrorist operation Cast Lead in Gaza.

The protest marks the launch of a public campaign against the New Israel Fund and was timed to coincide with the upcoming publication of an IDF report on the campaign of lies and defamation that it faced during and after Cast Lead.

Im Tirtzu conducted its own study of the allegations in the infamous “Goldstone report” on Cast Lead, and its findings were published in Friday's Maariv newspaper. The research found that 16 groups funded by the NIF provided 92 percent of the damning statements quoted from Israeli NGOs in the Goldstone report.

She looks kind of like Helen Thomas, doesn't she?

Israel Matzav: 'Hamas' demonstrates against New Israel Fund head

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