Wednesday 3 February 2010

Israel Matzav: The Financial Times' difficulty facing reality

The Financial Times' difficulty facing reality

Noah Pollak on a report by Just Journalism, a British media watchdog I have mentioned before, on editorials in London's Financial Times.

My favorite example of this (as is Marty Peretz’s) is the fact that the FT, as official policy, refers to Tel Aviv as the capital of Israel, a plain denial of reality. Can you imagine the FT referring, today, to Philadelphia or New York as the capital of the United States? That would be crazy. It would cause the FT to become a laughingstock. But it is really no more neurotic than the Tel Aviv rule.

Maybe we should refer to Gateshead-on-Tyne as the capital of England?

Denying reality is not going to change it. And by the way, the World didn't 'accept' Jerusalem as our capital before 1967 either, so obviously the 'occupation' is not the issue.

Israel Matzav: The Financial Times' difficulty facing reality

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