Thursday 4 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Fatah terrorist visits Hamastan for the first time in three years

Fatah terrorist visits Hamastan for the first time in three years

Fatah terrorist Nabil Shaath is visiting Hamastan for three days - the first time a senior Fatah terrorist has visited since Hamas overthrew the Fatah 'government' in 2007.

Shaath handed his passport to Hamas border guards for registration, in a symbolic recognition of Hamas authority. Shaath said the trip had the blessing of Fatah's leader, Palestinian Authorty President Mahmoud Abbas.

Shaath plans to meet Hamas leaders, but says he won't begin reconciliation talks while in the territory. A member of Shaath's group, West Bank businessman Munib al-Masri, met with Gaza's Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh.

Anyone want to bet that the West will deal with a 'reconciled' Fatah and Hamas? The only party that might not deal with a combined entity is Israel.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Fatah terrorist visits Hamastan for the first time in three years

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