Tuesday 23 February 2010

Israel Matzav: EU to recognize 'Palestinian state' before it exists

EU to recognize 'Palestinian state' before it exists

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner (pictured) and Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Morantinos are promoting an initiative that would recognize a 'Palestinian state' regardless of the results of 'negotiations' between Israel and the 'Palestinians.' In fact, the initiative would recognize such a state reichlet before 'negotiations' are concluded (since, despite the 'Palestinians' unwillingness to accept a 'state' until now, we all know that's the 'only solution'). They have not said whether they would advocate recognizing such a 'state' before 'negotiations' have started, but I believe that the answer to that too is "yes."

Israeli sources say the two foreign ministers are preparing an article they intend to publish together in some of the main European dailies. The main message of the article is that the European Union should recognize a Palestinian state before the completion of negotiations, under the assumption that such a declaration will be made by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

The initiative is based on a plan by Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad to establish a Palestinian state in two years, which is the time he estimates is needed for the development of state institutions, economic reforms and a completion of the necessary training of Palestinian security forces that would bring law and order to the West Bank.

The Fayyad plan was developed more than six months ago and the Franco-Spanish initiative is meant to bolster it, promising recognition by the European block.

Israel has responded to Kouchner and Moratinos by expressing clear opposition to the initiative, noting it was contrary to the principles of the peace process. "An imposed solution will not achieve the goals," Israel stressed in its message.

"If the European Union will determine the results of the negotiations in advance and promises the Palestinians recognition of a state, they will have no motivation to resume negotiations," the Israeli message states.

What could go wrong?

Read the whole thing.

Israel Matzav: EU to recognize 'Palestinian state' before it exists

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