Thursday 11 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Did Coca Cola copy an Israeli ad in its Superbowl commercial?

Did Coca Cola copy an Israeli ad in its Superbowl commercial?

A sleeping guy is rising in the middle of the night and walks miles on miles searching for his favorite drink to the sound of Ravel's Bolero - Hey! that sounds familiar!

Maybe because its an 8 year old Israeli commercial for a chocolate milk?

Note: this video is an EDITING of similar shots in both ads. These are NOT the full ads.

Let's go to the videotape.

JPost says it's not likely that Coke copied from Yotvata.

According to Dr. Yaron Timmor, the head of the marketing communications program at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, ad copying is not a rare phenomenon. Many Israeli advertisements are partially or even overwhelmingly based on ideas from foreign ads, says Timmor.

But for an American ad from a company of the stature of Coca-Cola to be based on an Israeli ad would be “puzzling and strange,” he says.

“When a company is accused of copying ideas from an outside source, it attracts criticism from both the client and the public, who expect original and innovative ideas,” explains Timmor. “The need to copy usually stems from inferiority and a lack of creativity.”

Timmor suggests that in this instance, “there might be an ad that Yotvata also copied from.”

Okay, so here's your challenge for tonight: Find that other ad. Heh.

Israel Matzav: Did Coca Cola copy an Israeli ad in its Superbowl commercial?

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